For whom?


Are you pivoting towards a more sustainable business practice or unbiased application of data?


Is your organisation looking to use data to advance its sustailability or social equality mission?


Are you engaged in fact-based research or policy making for a brighter future?

Data solutions

Odds are, your puzzle can be cracked using machine learning

Optimizing your marketing spend, checking for gender bias affecting your employees, identifying deforestation from satellite imagery: the possibilities are boundless. The field of data science has been growing tremendously and there is little that cannot be done using models and algorithms.

Data is no silver bullet or quick fix. Realising and embedding a data project is a complex task. A beta world follows six steps to insure long term impact while engaging your team with tangible results along the way:

  • Impact assessment

    Prioritize opportunities with the biggest positive impact and smallest needed effort.
  • Prototyping

    Create tangible proof that the opportunity is real and ready to be captured.
  • Engagement

    Showcase the prototype to engage teams to get on board with the idea.

  • Implementation

    Move the prototype from MacGyver-proof to IT-proof: a minimum viable product that works end-to-end
  • Scaling

    Scale up your solution with more use cases. Include features that went by the wayside initially.
  • Audit

    Check back with the product to ensure it still meets your performance, sustainability and ethics standards.
Got a puzzle for me?

Visionary leadership

Let's try something new, together

You are likely sitting on a gold mine, in terms of data and the opportunities it brings. Yet, you feel that a lot of it is not being captured right now. Either because project impact has not been quantified enough or because the project delivery has not yet shown the promised impact. It could also be that with all the possibilities out there, you are not even sure where to start?

Let a beta world jump in and become part of the team. As a hands-on team lead or consultant, we will find, deliver and showcase several high-impact data projects. At the same time, we will empower the team to repeat the success with increasing autonomy. And most importantly: all of this will boost the team spirit. We are ready. Are you?


Identify, quantify and select one (or more) key projects that showcase the power of data. Then make sure it gets delivered and creates engagement.


A beta world would love to offer your data team the hands-on guidance, inspiration and coaching that it needs to become self-reliant in its success.

Have a project in mind?

Team training

Empower your data practitioners

As your company becomes more data-driven, your teams will need to stay on top of the latest developments in the world of data science, machine learning and AI. A beta world can teach your team about technology architecture, the pros and cons of different kinds of algorithms, and impactful communication, to name a few.

Team training is offered in collaboration with the Global Artificial Intelligence network (GAIn). GAIn offers state-of-the-art professional education to a broad audience of data practitioners, ranging from C-level decision makers to data experts, and to everyday business users. We can assess the current skill level within your organization to tailor a fitting program for your teams.

Key domains

  • Data science

    Know your algorithms: from traditional statistics to the newest deep learning methods. All in a very accessible hands-on learning experience.

  • Data technology

    Understand how data science theory can be best applied with state-of-the-art toolkits. Know the lingo and learn how to identify the tools you need for your project.

  • Data communication

    Improve your storytelling and data visualization skills, while applying them to your existing work. And be amazed by how much more impact your data will have.

  • Good leadership

    Learn heuristics to understand your colleagues’ needs and goals. Sharpen and guide them with your vision on data opportunities and inspire everyone to get on board.

  • Responsible data

    Our world is full of injustices. Learn to weed out self-perpetuating biases, so your algorithms can make more sustainable and fair decisions than humanity currently does.

Want to learn more?

You need an expert who is passionate about changing the world

Let's talk about the ways I can help you.